How can I reserve a book?


Check the availability of the book from the Onesearch catalog, login and check the availability on the book

The booking option called "Request" may appear from Options.

The "Request" is active only for books that are already on loan and for books available but kept in stock,  for all other books you must go to the Library.
In the first case, if you click "request", the user who has borrowed it, receive a notice of the expiration date, she/he will not be able to renew it and he/she will have to return it.

In both cases, the user will receive a notice by institutional email box ( that will notify her/him of the availability of the book which must be collected within 3 days.

For further information look at video

  • Last Updated dic 12, 2022
  • Views 96
  • Answered By Chiedi in biblioteca - Ask a librarian Universita' di Firenze

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