What kind of online courses are available about libraries services and online sources?


University libraries offer online courses about bibliographic research, information retrieval and how to value documents and information.

You can find these courses on the online platform Moodle, Learning Support Activities - Libraries. 

If you want to sign up for a course on the Moodle platform you should access to the webpage https://formstudelearning.unifi.it/ (Attività formative complementari) and click on "Biblioteche". In this page you can choose between different courses. Otherwise, if you already know the course you want to attend and the library which offers it, you can acces to the webpage of that library and click on "corsi per gli utenti" on the left side. In both cases you need student number and password.

  • Last Updated dic 15, 2022
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Chiedi in biblioteca - Ask a librarian Universita' di Firenze

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