Can I consult Graduation and Doctoral theses?


Dissertation consultation is governed by the Regolamento di Ateneo (in Italian language).

Further information is available at the web page Dissertation Consultation.

In summary, pre-1950 theses are consultable, post-1950 theses are consultable if the author's permission is present. In the absence of author's statement, please refer to the Regulations. Theses may not be photocopied or reproduced by any means, even partially, except by their author himself and in the cases provided for in the Regulations.

For theses discussed in the years 1976-2012, the Catalog of Theses can be consulted.

  • Last Updated dic 12, 2022
  • Views 26
  • Answered By Chiedi in biblioteca - Ask a librarian Universita' di Firenze

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